Editorial Process

The submitted manuscript will be checked by an editor for its suitability with Advances in Bioresearch [ABR] focus and scope and for major methodological flaws within two to three weeks. Staff will work with the author to fulfill all the requirements within three weeks. Every submitted manuscript which passes this step will then be checked for plagiarism by Similarity Check/Turnitin. The manuscript needs to be re-worked if indicated for minor plagiarism and will be rejected if indicated for major plagiarism. Then, an editor-in-charge and an editorial assistant will be assigned for the manuscript. In this stage, the manuscript will be assessed based on novelty and adherence to reporting guidelines. Subsequently, the manuscript will go through peer-review process. The revisions may be required and will be re-evaluated by the editor-in-charge after the authors providing sufficient responses. The manuscript will be passed to the editor-in-chief for any further revision and ultimately will take an editorial decision. The accepted manuscript will be sent to copyediting stage for correction of grammar and spelling errors, standardizing the journal in-house style, improving table, figure, and writing quality. The incomplete revision of this stage will result in pending scheduled publication. Then, the manuscript will enter production stage for typesetting. A pdf/Word file is sent to the author for review and there should be no more scientific revision. A failure to comply will result in a delay of the publication since it needs editor confirmation for the changes. It will be scheduled for publication after the payment has been received. The final approval is needed from the corresponding author before it is published. The manuscript submitted by one of the editorial team of the Medical Journal of Indonesia will be processed by other editorial board members who do not have any conflict of interest with the manuscript and follow the same editorial process.

Articles should be submitted preferably online through article submission form or by email at: editorbioresearch@gmail.com

All articles submitted to the Advances in Bioresearch must comply with these instructions. Failure to do so will result in return of the article and possible delay in publication.